Drilling Mud Chemicals Spill at Pennsylvania Gas Well
April 27, 2011
Canton, PA Operators recently lost control of a natural gas well in northern Pennsylvania, which led to a spill of
drilling mud chemicals, reports
The Associated Press.
According to the news source, Bradford County emergency officials said that thousands of gallons of contaminated water spilled from a site near the town of Canton that is reportedly operated by Chesapeake Energy Corp.
Francis Roupp, deputy director of the county emergency management agency, told the news provider that the spill did not lead to any injuries and that there was no explosion or fire at the site.
He added that while the fluids have reached a small stream in the area, there had not been any adverse events reported as a result of the accidental spill. A cracked well casing is reportedly the suspected cause of the incident.
Rory Sweeney, a spokesman for Chesapeake Energy, told the news source that the company is in the process of preparing a statement about the spill.
Chesapeake Energy Corp. is the second-largest natural gas producer in the US.